Getting to Your Bus from the San Jose Airport in Costa Rica

Costa Rica     Destinations, Getting To and Fro
The Tracopa bus terminal is only about a mile from the main city bus station. The other terminals are even closer.
The Tracopa bus terminal is only about a mile from the main city bus station. The other terminals are even closer.
$25 taxi - ha! $18 Uber, I laugh. For $1 you can get to your target bus terminal in San Jose and be on your way to your beach or mountain destination.
What most people do when they land in San Jose, is get on a bus and get out of the city to some lush tropical paradise. To get on said paradise, you first have to go into the actual city of San Jose, since the airport is actually in a town to the north of San Jose called Alajuela, and get a bus from one of the bus terminals scattered throughout.

If you are heading west, your bus may stop near the airport and you can just hop on there rather than going South into the city and having to backtrack. See below Heading West? Skip San Jose.

Some of the main bus lines are TransMonteverde, Cóbano, and Tracopa. I got a bus from the Tracopa terminal so I'll use that as my example but most of the main terminals are relatively close to each other.

Taking Uber from the SJO Airport

Sure this post is about taking the local bus, but if you want to take Uber (maybe you're just going to a local hotel), here's how. It's a bit hit or miss if Uber will pick you up in the airport. More miss than hit as it's not really legal and the taxi drivers are at odds with Uber in a bad way. The best thing to do it walk up the small hill to the main road just outside the airport to call your Uber. I personally walk just a few minutes over to the left to the domestic terminal to call my Uber. Yes, you can use your regular app from home to do this.

Getting into San Jose City for $1

When you land at SJO, you'll have the usual barrage of taxi drivers and scam artists waiting for you outside trying to sell you a ride. As an example, to get to the Tracopa station, they will start at $30 and make their way down to $20. Uber will cost a bit less (if they're even picking up around the airport as there have been issues with that). BUT just outside the small airport is a public bus stop. And I mean just outside. It's on the other side of the parking structure so you can walk around it on either side.
Just up around this corner coming out of the airport (if you walked to the left on exiting the terminal) is where the buses stop.
Just up around this corner coming out of the airport (if you walked to the left on exiting the terminal) is where the buses stop.
Lots of buses stop here. Just ask if it's going to San Jose.
Lots of buses stop here. Just ask if it's going to San Jose.
Many buses stop there so make sure to get the one to San Jose. If you don't speak Spanish, just ask the driver "San Jose?". The bus costs c665 (just over $1 USD) and takes you to the main city bus terminal, which is really just a tiny lot on a corner in the city. It takes 1/2 hour without traffic and about 45 minutes with. You pay the driver when you get on and you can use US$ or colones.
Sitting in traffic on the $1 bus into the city.
Sitting in traffic on the $1 bus into the city.
If you have some time to kill, I was warned to stay on the bus terminal side of the street if walking around, and to head up the hill into town. But of course I ended up going straight across the street to look at the pretty La Merced Church. Then up the hill you'll find Parque Central, some fruit stands, and places to eat. Like in any city, you do need to watch who is around you and keep a close eye on your bags, particularly closer to the larger bus terminals.
La Merced Church across the street from the city bus station.
La Merced Church across the street from the city bus station.
Part of the walk to the Tracopa bus terminal.
Part of the walk to the Tracopa bus terminal.
You can then take a less expensive taxi (e.g. $4 to Tracopa) or just walk a mile or so to the station. Terminal Atlántico Norte and Terminal 7-10 are much closer; 6-7 blocks.

The walk to the Tracopa terminal was an easy walk and I never felt unsafe (although I've been told that it's not a good area so may avoid it after dark or if you're alone) but I'm surprised my luggage has any wheels left on it at all with the rugged sidewalks and curb-hopping. This was my first experiment bringing a rolly and other than walking around the airport, it has been confirmed why a backpack is so much better. If you GPS map the terminal, the location is accurate. Look for the tall dark blue gated area.

Boom - you've paid a total of $1 to get to your bus station. Congrats budget traveler. :)
I recommend going to the station as soon as you can and checking actual schedules. Don't trust what you read online. Not only do schedules change with the seasons or just on a whim, but there might be an earlier bus to a nearby town that will get you to your destination hours earlier. I was able to get a bus over 5 hours earlier than I expected!

Heading West? Skip San Jose

You don't necessarily have to go all the way into the city to get your bus. This is especially helpful if your flight or bus gets in late and you need to stay overnight the night before. You can stay in Alajuela instead of San Jose.

Buses originating in San Jose and heading West (i.e. to Monteverde on TransMonteverde or to Santa Teresa/Mal Pais/Montezuma on Cóbano) stop at a place called Puente Villa Bonita (Villa Bonita Bridge) in Alajuela that is nothing more than a small covered palapa at the side of the InterAmerican Highway near the road 124 viaduct (they no longer stop at La Radial). There will probably be quite a few people waiting there along with drinks and snacks being sold.

From the airport, you can walk the 3k (25 min) to the bus stop along a thin dirt path. Visit CentroCoasting for photos of the stop. A taxi will run you c2,500 ($5) but you might have to haggle since they won't want to make the short trip. Ask them to take you to the parada autobús Puente Villa Bonita; they all know it.
Puente Villa Bonita bus stop is not far from the airport. It also might be convenient if you got a hotel in the area the night before.
Puente Villa Bonita bus stop is not far from the airport. It also might be convenient if you got a hotel in the area the night before.
For the bus to Monteverde, you can book ahead of time online to make sure you get a seat. They even list Villa Bonita as a departure point. For other bus lines, check to make sure they stop here.

You should be at Villa Bonita around 20 minutes after your bus is scheduled to leave San Jose. The bus might take longer to get there due to traffic but you don't want to risk missing it. Or just take the $1 public bus into the city and start from the terminal of origin.


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