Directions on how to drive there? No problem - just use GPS on your phone. That actually works pretty well except for one big fault. Google Maps will send you down a muddy often completely impassible road!
Just this fall, one guy got stuck overnight and had to be towed out, and another man fortunately realized his mistake soon enough and turned back before he got stuck. Actually, you can add one more group to that. Even though I knew about the bad route, we weren't paying attention when we went out to go sightseeing. All of a sudden the road got incredibly bad and I realized we were on the bad Google road - OMG see if you can back out of this sludge! We had already slid into some pretty deep mud and thankfully our 4WD got us out of there.
If the map has you turn right at La Escuadra, that is incorrect. Resist the urge to believe the GPS directions. Keep going until you get to the next right. The correct turn will be pretty obvious because as soon as you turn, there is a government housing tract (a row of small cement houses) on your left, and a palm oil farm on your right. You won't be on this road very long before you get to the end and turn right to continue on to Zancudo.
Waze seems to get the directions correct every time so if you have the option, maybe use that instead of Google Maps. Coming the other direction, from Zancudo, be sure that you make the right turn (it's more of just an bend in the road) toward La Esperanza rather than turning left (there's a small sign that indicates a school is that way). You will be fine for a while, but then you won't be.