Form house sitting to working on a farm - there are quite a few options to work or volunteer while traveling internationally.
Many people traveling on a budget decide to find work along the way. It's not always/usually for money, but for trade for food and lodging. I have personally done house/pet sitting in various places around the world, crewed on a yacht from Cabo San Lucas to San Diego, and WOOF'd in Australia. See
House Sitting for Travel - A Beginner's Take.
Working while traveling can be a great way to subsidize your travel, get a free place to stay, learn a new skill, or immerse in the local culture.
There are many opportunities for short term international jobs such as manning the desk at a hostel or watching someone's pets while they're on vacation. Most of these temporary jobs don't require much skill (well, that's not necessarily true), but you should be willing to give it a good effort and not slack off. These aren't charity handout! They are people in legit need of someone to take care of their business, house, or project.
Check out the links below to find jobs around the world house sitting, crew on a yacht, or working on a farm.
Bringing together au pairs & host families from all over the world.
Looking to volunteer as crew on a boat for cheaper passage? Here's a good place to start (in addition to yacht clubs and bulletin boards).
Find or be an international house / pet sitter. Free sitting in exchange for free accommodation.
Find or be an international house / pet sitter. Free sitting in exchange for free accommodation.
Become an international house sitter.
Freelancer job listings
Temporary hospitality jobs overseas
Travel the world and get free accommodation in exchange for work.
Previously known as Working On Organic Farms, this site is now for World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms.